March MATness 2016: The Recap

March MATness 2016: The Recap

First off, let me offer a hearty congratulations for every single one of you who took up the challenge of March MATness this year.

We all deserve a few minutes each day to care for our bodies with the Pilates Mat exercises. What a treat!

Yes, there are days when for whatever reason you must keep your workout quite short. A couple days I managed to sneak in only the Hundred. Other days I did my full Mat workout perhaps even with an ending on the Spine Corrector. Most of my March workouts were somewhere between 1 exercise and all of them.

Now for Romana’s famous question:

What did you learn today in March?

1. Day 2 – already feeling fabulous

Not surprisingly, even on March 2 – only 2 days into the MATness – I could feel the effects of my efforts in my body. I felt great. Lots of energy and just more comfortable in my own body and brain. Several of my colleagues on Facebook reported they felt awesome too.

A few days into March, my husband began using a mantra: “abs glistening in the sun.”

I decided it deserved to be a hashtag.



2. ‘Me time’ is FUN!

Given my druthers and a clear schedule, I truly love my Pilates workout. Working on the Mat exercises each day helped me to appreciate my time for self-care. It almost functions as a form of meditation – a focused “quiet time” for the body and spirit.

Although I am hardly quiet in some of the exercises… Lots of grunting during the Side Kicks Kneeling…

3. Structure and Creativity

The framework of the 34 Mat exercises in Return to Life is a perfect backdrop for the kind of a workout you’ll plan for each day. I know what exercises I need to get in and if I’m short on time I still make sure to include my ‘favorites’ and my ‘necessaries.’

How about a brief day of only rolling exercises? Why not?

And I tried to make sure my workout included the exercise for that specific day, as a little celebration and thanks for Joe Pilates.

How did he know I need that Swimming exercise SO MUCH?

4. The daily check in with your body

As an unbalanced person (take this as you will) I’ve been working on not overusing my strong side.

My daily Mat workout helped me to pinpoint the exercises in which I like to overwork.

I got better and better at finding them as I worked diligently each day. Lots of Pilates detective work helped me to learn more nuances about my body.

5. A workout REALLY doesn’t take that long at all

Even with the inclusion of every Mat exercise in Joe’s original system, my maximum time spent on the Mat was under 30 minutes.

And I was wiped.

I’ve certainly got more than enough time in my day to fit in my workout. Even if I’ve only got 25 minutes.


6. OMG the Hundred got better!

Wonders. Never. Cease.

I have been steadily working to create more length in my back and have my legs at a lower level.

Sure I can just park my legs low and hang them off my pelvis, but how will I live with myself??!

I could still continue to pump on and on, but what am I really “warming up” then? My arms??

A daily dose of the Hundred helped to efficiently warm up my center by working fiercely to keep the back long.

7. The Order of the Universe

Finally it dawned on me that March MATness is not only a celebration of Joe Pilates original system, it’s also a gateway drug to the order of the exercises as well.

O frabjous day!

It made my heart warm to see so many lovely Pilates friends on Social Media beginning with the Hundred on March 1 and proceeding each day to the next exercise. What a lovely way to celebrate and learn the order of the exercises.

Now we need a month beginning with ‘R’ for the Reformer.

Oh and that month has to be like 80 days long…

Rocktober anyone?

How was your March MATness experience this year? 

Share your successes in a comment below.

4 Responses

  1. I think you are onto something with Rocktober!! and duh, I never thought of that…one MAT exercise a day to help my tiny brain remember the order. Next March it’s on!

    1. Thank you for being with me… how did I not realize we were honoring the order of the exercises in March too? I told Benjamin and he had a chuckle… so next March there will be a pop quiz 🙂

  2. ok. march 2017. pop MAT quiz! 🙂 BIG geeky observations using the long necks…we’ll discuss! cu soon. xo

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